Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chinese Masks Essay

Chinese masks first appeared in China some 3,500 years ago primarily used for Chinese shamanism. Chinese masks became an age old cultural phenomenon shared by all ethnic groups in China. The Chinese developed such masks to overcome disasters and to protect their lives. These masks were given many functions like, communicating with the gods, bringing blessings, driving away ghosts, warding off diseases, and lots of sacrificial rituals involving masks were regularly held. Many traditional ceremonies held in China involved the use of masks, for example masks are worn during elaborate Chinese New Year celebrations. In addition masks were used for other festive occasions like, religious ceremonies, the birth of children, keeping one’s home safe, and masks for theatrical performances as well. Some of the most popular masks like the Dragon mask represent good fortune and prosperity. This mask is an important part of Chinese heritage and no Chinese New Years celebration is without it. Another type of mask in the Chinese culture is the modern Chinese Opera mask which are either painted on or worn as a thin cloth mask. The tradition of facial make up started from totems created centuries ago. Chinese mask are made of numerous materials like stones and metals, leather and cloth, wood and clay, ceramics and glass, paper and grass, . Then they are painted with many different color themes and designs. The masks were either worn or displayed. Some masks may represent animal or human characteristics like the lion or dragon. Red is also a very popular color and seen in many celebrations. Even in modern day Chinese cultural and around the world many people use Chinese masks because they portray a high cultural and artistic value. They are used today in Operas to depict the personality of the character, and also used as decoration. Their beauty is highly regarding with incredible detail, and colorful designs. I chose Chinese masks because of my interest in the Asian culture along with the fact that they are beautiful to look at, and the thought of actually making one is very exciting. Bibliography Patricia Buckley Ebrey. The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Cambridge Illustrated Histories: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Religious Freedom and the Great American Melting Pot

This paper will also explore the supposition that the United States' open arms America's Melting Pot) allows all that seek a better life, entrance, has placed us at risk of terror attacks from those who merely purport to be in the U. S. To gain citizenship, to vacation, or to take advantage of the Great American Dream. When in actuality their plans may be nefarious in nature. There is no question that the United States' open door policy has made this a very diverse nation that holds its freedom in high regard.In many ways it can be said that our cultural, religious and ethnic diversity is what makes us so attractive to the rest of the world. It is also what makes us vulnerable. We know that America has its enemies, and since 9/1 1 the U. S. Has increased its security measures. However, it will be next to impossible to thwart every threat without violating our civil liberties. It is no doubt that societies throughout the world have become more and more interconnected. Applying the soc iological perspective will help us to discover some truths about our common nature, as well as the opportunities and imitations in our lives.It helps us to take a more active role in our society by exposing who we are as a people, which helps us to navigate in this diverse world. The structural-functional approach was not the approach that fit this particular situation. Surely there are many who devote great time and effort to promote solidarity and stability. These same individuals yearning for a society whose complexities work together. I believe that the social-conflict approach is one that has been utilized in many studies examining the social, ethnic and cultural dynamics in this country.It covers many different aspects of inequality, whether it is gender, religious, race, social class, sexual orientation, etc.. As much as we would like to believe that things are changing, we see in everyday fife that things do not really change that much. That there are some people in powerful positions always looking to separate themselves from others that are different under the pretext that they are protecting themselves and what they have from being taken away by those not like themselves. The differences in religious beliefs in America are not new.This Country was founded, first on the principals of religious tolerance and later thanks to James Madison and the framers of our Constitution, religious freedom. If the extent of our conflict was based solely on our differences in religion, a conflict that seems insurmountable at best we would have a better chance at unifying this nation. The first settlers of this new world absent the Native Americans sought freedom from the tyranny of British rule and religious persecution. The subject of religion was still a major issue to many. However there were a great many issues that plagued our new society.These were issues that always seemed to be simmering below the surface. Due to the advent of sociological research, we can se e the wide range of issues and the deep seeded animosity for those who failed to share in the ideals represented by those in positions of power. The idea was to study the cultural differences displayed in a society and to identify the conflicts that exist between the subcultures. This is what we found. There are many varying religions, some with similar interests and beliefs. There was a religious movement coming of age which was birthed in the late asses.By and large Americans value their diversity. Even among certain religious groups which may be what you might call sub-cultures. For instance you have Anglo-Catholic, Latino-Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Black Protestant, Evangelical Protestant, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and many other faiths. Many of these religions are simply alternative interpretations of an existing faith. Some use the differences in their religious beliefs to spark discord in our society. The Christian religion was once, and depending on who you speak to today, a very singular religion.Serving one God who imparted his ultimate law to his people through his prophet Moses. However, Christianity was deemed by Jesus' disciples to be an extension of the Jewish faith. An extension very much rejected by the Jewish community at large. This rejection stemmed from the Pharisees' adamant disbelief that Jesus was the miming Messiah foretold in the Torah. There are many who identify as Christian and are scattered across the country. These Christians are vehemently opposed to the idea that any other race or ethnic group can lay claim to greatness or superiority.In fact they see the Jew as a non- Aryan individual, as an enemy to their cause. They see themselves as members of the lost tribes of Israel. They also see themselves as God's chosen people. They have taken up the charge to rid the world of this evil. The Christian Identity Movement is of the mind that they are at war and it is a war against good and evil. This group is a paramilitary gro up that views the US Government as an evil entity that has been captured and now controlled by the Jews and therefore an enemy.The Christian Identity Movement is a White Supremacist religion that grounds its beliefs in a racist reading of the Holy Bible. Many of them believe that God cannot return until the earth is free of Gods enemies. There is another group which is an offshoot of the Christian Identity Movement called the Pennies Priesthood. A member of the Christian Identity Movement can claim membership in the Pennies Priesthood by omitting a violent act even murder on any non-Aryan enemy. It was typical to choose an interracial couple, all in the name of racial and religious purity.We've established that America is a nation that advocates diversity. America has often advertised its open arms approach to all in the song Your Tired, Your Poor (the Statue of Liberty song); â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless to me† (http:// kids. Niches. NIH. Gob/games/songs/patriotic/liberty. HTML). This nation was built on he diversity of its people. That is not to say that there were no instances where the cultures clashed.With the influx of many different ethnic groups with their varying beliefs and customs there was bound to be some friction. In any social structure where there is rapid social change we must expect there to be a period of adjustment. It would appear that we are still adjusting even now. On the surface there is the illusion of diminished conflict, as evidenced by the information gleaned thus far. Some suggest that we are like a volcano waiting to erupt. Because it is not literally correct or socially acceptable to be openly vocal about our negative racial proclivities it is usually hidden behind a veil of smiles or sometimes blank looks.We tend to show our true selves to those who are like minded. One would think that in this day an d age we would have found a way to bridge the gap of racial conflict and move on to the next thing. Perhaps we could tackle gender conflict and religious conflict, let's Just put them all on the table and start talking. The subject matter is far too explosive. I believe that this is why most people operate by utilizing social- exchange analysis when engaging others. They are able to tolerate the individual or individuals if they stand to gain or lose something by the interaction.It is suggested that religion is not nearly as divisive as race, class or politics. This may be true; however, I do not believe it has ever really been addressed as openly as the others. There is definitive proof that the above organizations are gearing up for what they call a holy war. This concept of an American holy war which has been brewing since the American Civil War and the birth of the UK Klux Klan, took on a new dynamic on September 1 1, 2001. Religious extremism is alive and well in the U. S. War in the name of religion is nothing new.It has been a reality since the beginning of time if you believe the creation story. Satan drew first blood by deceiving first Eve then Adam. The conflict surrounding religion has evolved, transformed and fragmented into a battle that's no longer Just about good versus evil but, who the true GOD of this world really is and his message to his people. Again there are several recognized religions, with several gods to accompany them. This battle has definitely spilled over into our communities. It has breached our borders.It was before unheard of to have a foreign national to declare war, and carry out a threat as large as 9/1 1 on American soil. These terrorists were in the United States enrolled as students, learning to fly planes. America has become a target because we have not submitted to Islam, and also because of its support and defense of Israel in its fight against the Palestinians and other Arab Nations. There had been 22 other attacks o n the U. S. Prior to 9/11. There were 22 warnings prior to the most devastating act of war on U. S. Oil ever; – 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, the Seizure of the US Tehran Embassy, Iran 1983 Bombing of the US Beirut Embassy, Lebanon – 1983 Bombing of US Kuwait Embassy – 1984 Bombing of US Beirut Embassy (again) – 1984 Kuwait Airlines Flight 221 hijacked to Tehran – 1985 Hijacking TWA Flight 847 – 1985 Hijacking cruise ship Achilles Laura – 1986 Bombing Berlin Disco frequented by US servicemen – 1988 Bombing Pan Am Flight 103 over Locker, Scotland – 1983 First Bombing World Trade Center – 1993 Foiled NY Landmarks plot by Omar Abdul Raman – 1993 Attempted Assassination of President Bush Sir. 1993 Black Hawk Down – 1994 Plot to Assassinate President Clinton – 1995 Failed Project Booking by Ram Houses 1995 Bombing of US Military Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 1996 Bombing Isobar Towers, Sa udi Arabia – 1998 Bombing US Nairobi Embassy, Kenya, Africa – 1998 Bombing US Dare SE Salaam Embassy, Tanzania, Africa – 1999 Foiled LAX Millennium Plot by Aimed Erases – 2000 Failed US The Sullivan Bombing Port of Aden, Yemen – 2000 Bombing US Cole Port of Aden, Yemen – 2001 9/1 1 Attacks World Trade Center, Flight 93, Pentagon As you can probably imagine there have also been successful terrorist attacks as well as foiled attempts after the attacks of 9/11. As long as we stand on the side of Israel, advocating on its behalf we will be viewed as an enemy of Islam. The question is, are we the better for it? It is my belief that we are. I can only hope that I am not the only one. Since 9/11 we have had to accept some very harsh realities pertaining to our new existence.Our National Security that we had grown to expect and took for granted was not so absolute. 9/1 1 showed the world that there were kinks in our armor. Undoubtedly, our security procedures have changed significantly since. Immediately following the 9/1 1 attack America's borders were completely closed for the first time in recorded history. No planes were allowed in or out of the country. No Ships were allowed to dock. No one allowed to cross the border in or out. With this there was the institution of a new branch of law enforcement called Homeland Security. The US became more aggressive in its efforts to bring those responsible to justice by any means necessary with the institution of the Patriot Act.In an effort to secure our land, we, (American citizens) also became subjects of ongoing investigations, no one could be trusted. The American people were scrutinized, our affiliations with those of Middle Eastern descent questioned. It has also been discovered that our civil liberties have been violated by the US Government by way of unlawful audio surveillance of our home and cell phones and the like. Even with all of the very necessary and questionable cha nges, they may not be enough. What makes us so vulnerable is the likelihood that anyone of our citizens could be the next jihads. We have no way of knowing for sure who might have a reason to declare war on our nation.We have no way of knowing for certain who is living here under false pretenses Just waiting for the authorization to move on a specific target. It is so ere hard to determine because there are those who have been here for years and those still entering the country. It is impossible to know for sure what is in a person's mind. That we cannot detect from a machine in airport security. Not to mention that with the advent of the internet they need not cross our borders at all to communicate with these alleged sleeper cells or sympathizers (The Global War on Terrorism: A Religious War? Http://www. strategicstudiesinstitute. Army. Mil/peddles/PUB. PDF). This is what we do know, we are at war. There is no doubt with whom we are at war or why.I suppose in actuality we are no m ore vulnerable than we have always been. It is Just now the perception that the threat has actually reached us state side was an eye opener. Greater attention to our interior security has been made. It is said that with all of the strides that the U. S. And its global partners have made in capturing Bin Laden and taking down his generals it is still not enough. The analysts speculate that the terror networks are ever expanding. Moreover, as we exert our will around the globe we may be in fact be making new enemies and growing sympathizers to Islamic ideology. It is next to impossible to safeguard against every eventuality especially when you cannot detect every perceived threat.Research has shown that this Jihad or Holy War with Al-Qaeda' has been in effect for more than four decades. So it stands to reason that there may be sleeper cells within our borders placed strategically in our midst waiting to be called upon to carry out some horrific plan of attack. This person may be one o f the most unassuming individuals you will ever meet. You might even call him or her a friend, which is why our defense strategy must be ever changing. Conclusion One thing is for certain, this is a war that we will probably be waging until the end of time. It is assured that our security will get better as our technology gets better. It has been avowed that the United States will do everything in its power to put an end to terrorism.The President declared that our resolve will never wane. Our civil liberties have already been diminished in efforts to detect dissenters. We often hear of new attempts of law makers to challenge constitutional laws which would make it much easier to detect terrorist or illegal activity in general. Most Americans will not bobby against these things if they are perceived to keep them safe. Where the problem lies is anything that weakens our constitutional rights pushes us more and more too police state of being. Will we become prisoners in our own land? Some say that we already are. You can bet that as our security becomes increasing sophisticated so will the enemies' efforts to thwart them.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Asf Essay Research Paper During the 19th

Asf Essay, Research Paper During the nineteenth century the intervention of both inmates and ex-convicts was in most peoples eyes inhumane. A inmate would be worked for long hours without nutrient. Many ex-convicts were neer to the full re-accepted back into society due to their yesteryear as a inmate. If an ex-convict managed to maintain his yesteryear a secret and do a new life for himself, if and when the ex-con revealed his yesteryear he was one time once more excluded and non considered a portion of society. When Jean Valjean is eventually released from the galleys after 19 old ages he emerges a strong, but frail adult male. His original sentence was 4 old ages for stealing a loaf of staff of life to feed his hapless household. Jean Valjean attempts and fails to get away several times adding the 15 old ages to his sentence. # 8220 ; In the 6th twelvemonth his bend for flight came once more ; he tried it, but failed once more. He did non reply at axial rotation call and the dismay cannon was fired. At dark the people of the locality discovered him concealed beneath the keel of a vas on the stocks ; he resisted the galley guard that seized him. Escape and opposition. This the commissariats of the particular codification punished by an add-on of five old ages, two within the dual concatenation, 13 old ages ( p 32 ) . # 8221 ; Here one can see how the penalty for certain Acts of the Apostless of inmates was taken attention of. When Jean Valjean is put to work on the two-base hit concatenation he is given really small nutrient and worked for highly long hours. After Jean Valjean is eventually released from the galleys after 19 old ages he journeys to a little town and seeks lodging. Jean Valjean tries several hostels and tap houses but none accept him because he was a inmate. Jean Valjean so finds a kennel and crawls in and is still forced out by a Canis familiaris baring all its dentitions. â€Å"The provincial? s face assumed an look of misgiving: he looked over the new-comer from caput to pes, and all of a sudden exclaimed, with a kind of frisson: â€Å"Are you the adult male! † He looked once more at the alien, stepped back, put the lamp on the tabular array, and took down his gun ( p 20 ) .† As you can see Jean Valjean was forced off practically at gunpoint. As Jean Valjean walks the streets of the town in hunt of a topographic point to eat and kip for the dark he runs into a adult female who points him in the way of the bishops house. When he gets to the bishop? s house he knocks on the door and when the bishop opens the door he comes right out and tells the bishop everything about his yesteryear. In malice of his history the bishops lets Jean Valjean in for dinner and a topographic point to kip for the dark. So as you can see ex-convicts had a really hard clip suiting back into society due to their history. It? s been 10 old ages and Jean Valjean? s adopted girl, Cosette, has grown to be a beautiful immature adult female. With this beauty of class comes a adult male who will desire to get married her. This adult male is Marius. When Marius marries Cosette Jean Valjean reveals his yesteryear to Marius. Marius? first reaction is to censor Jean Valjean from Cosette from now until his decease. But Marius sees how defeated Jean Valjean is and says that if he wants to see Cosette he must eat dinner with them every dark, and Marius would maintain his secret. Jean Valjean had hidden his yesteryear for a legion sum of old ages and being the honest adult male he is he revealed it to a individual really near to him. But Marius? reaction merely iterates that even a individual who was an ex-convict 10 old ages ago is still thought of as a threat. Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. Fwcett Premier. 1961

Gallstones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Gallstones - Essay Example In general, gallstones are about two times more common in women than in men. Most study series show a prevalence of gall stones in women between the age of 20-55 years (5-20%) and after the age of 50 years, the prevalence for men is about half as that for women in a given age group (Sleisenger, 2002). The first degree relatives of patients with gall stones are 4.5 times more likely to develop the same condition as compared to age and gender matched controls (Sarin, 1995). High-risk populations include Pima Indians in Arizona, where 70% of women older than 25 years have gallstones. About 50 % of Scandinavians develop the condition by 50 years of age. Other high-risk populations comprise the American Indian groups in Alaska, Canada, Bolivia and Chile (Egbert, 1991). The populations at the lowest risk are those in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia (Su CH, 1992) Obesity is a well-known risk factor and individuals with BMI > 45kg/w2 are at a seven-fold higher risk for the development of gallstones in comparison with controls (Stampfer MJ, 1992). Cholesterol hypersecretion into bile and increased cholesterol secretion have been implicated. Rapid weight loss contributes to gallstone disease. About 25% of obese patients on strict dietary restriction and 50% of patients who have gastric bypass develop gallstones, 6 months following the surgery (Shiffman ML et al., 1986.) Foetal parenteral nutrition and drugs like clofibrate, oral contraceptives, estrogens, progesterone, ceftriaxone and octreotide are causative agents. Pregnancy is a potentially lithogenic condition due to increased cholesterol secretion and supersaturation of bile, occurring due to increased estrogen levels (Lynn J, 1973). In many studies, fecundity has been implicated in the increased prevalence of gallstone (Tsimoyiannis, 1994 & Miquel JF, 1998.) According to their chemical composition, gallstones can be classified into cholesterol stones, mixed stones, and pigment stones. Cholesterol

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Analysis Report - Essay Example makes it clear that the efficiency of an organization and above all its effectiveness and value addition capability to the business are the critical elements that attribute to its ability to generate revenue apart from the obvious issues of competition and supplier/demand issues. This makes it clear that in cases of issues related to revenue and profits an organization should not only address the external re-engineering principles but also focus upon the investigation internally in order to effectively achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the target market. In the light of the above arguments, this report presents a critical analysis on the six different areas of problem identified by the reviewing consultants for James Merriot Ltd. The report contains six sections each focused on a specific issue with solution an optimum solution to the problem in order to effectively re-engineer the organization to achieve market leadership in their area of business. The assessment by the consultants on the market in which the company under discussion is performing business reveals that not only competition is high but also the demand for a variety of services other than the trivial electroplating of specific devices. Since the company pioneers in the manufacture of building fittings and also in electroplating in specific areas of business like the automobile industry, it is necessary to effectively integrate the resources of the organization to increase the sales. The market development strategy is argued as the most effective strategy for an organization that has international presence and also able to increase its sales through targeting on new markets as argued by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (2003). The consultants’ review makes it clear that there is great potential for the company to develop its market in the Far East as well as in the existing geography. The argument by the consultants that the market in which the company is operating does not have many

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ways of Praying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ways of Praying - Essay Example Prayers of corporate confession focus on the wrong that is committed jointly, rather than the sins of each person. Paul Bradshaw, in his book Two Ways of Praying, describes these prayers as cathedral prayer and monastic prayer. Cathedral prayer is mainly led by ordained, formally appointed ministers, while in monastic prayer each person in the community takes obligation to take turn at the reading, speaking or singing that is part of the prayer (Bradshaw, 1995). Cathedral prayer is the obligation of the whole congregation while monastic prayer is more of individual activity. In addition, cathedral prayer is mainly outward, involving occasional gatherings for prayer that is reinforced by praise and intercession. Monastic prayer is mainly inward-looking, that is communicated through a person’s mind and heart, and thus it assists in forming the person who prays. Moreover, cathedral prayer is supported by externals of worship actions and materials such as candles and vestments, wh ile monastic prayer does not necessary require material support, since it mainly involves silent meditation. Generally, prayer enable us to communicate with God by allowing us to be aware of the encounters with God we experience at various times of our lives. Prayers therefore help us to learn to arrive with fullness of our heart, mind, body, feelings, and experience into the living presence of God and to receive the revealed fullness of God’s own heart, word, body, love, and reality for us in ever-deepening mutual intimacy (Dahill, 2005, p.10). The next part of this paper will be based mainly on corporate prayers of confession in the church. One’s spiritual wellbeing is much related to the spiritual wellbeing of others, thus, goodness of the community is very essential for the goodness of individuals. God uses confession as a means for helping people to move past their sins to better and deeper self lived existence within the communal interdependence. Through corporat e prayers of confession, community is able to turn away from sin and begin the process of healing from the suffering. This type of confession enables community to receive God’s will towards wellbeing, as the sins are washed away because they normally block the community from receiving the goodness. Sins therefore lead to isolation and fragmentation of our society, as we concentrate on seeing the problems as originating outside ourselves, rather than concentrating on ways of resolving these problems as a community. Fragmentation in turn leads to powerlessness, as fragmentation makes us focus on perpetuating the problem rather than participating in forms of it resolution (Suchocki, 1996, p.80). The powerlessness makes people to refuse responsibility for problems that are caused by evils in our society; hence, they distance themselves from efforts to seek forgiveness and addressing the problems. The powerlessness makes people to be more individualistic, thus, the church does not confess its corporate sins. By church shunning confessions of its corporate sins, the God’s merciful power of social renewal is left uninitiated, as church member are more concerned about addressing their individual problems while hiding from the social aspects of all personal sins. Christians therefore become more involved in privately confessing their personal sins, while forgetting that personal confession only is not sufficient to attract God’s forgiveness for social sins of our society. As individuals, we participate in various corporate evils that warrant corporate confession. When the church

Friday, July 26, 2019

Random choose 1 out of 14 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Random choose 1 out of 14 - Assignment Example Charlie took a taxi and started rolling over the city to see the different places he remembers. His thoughts started taunting him as he though of how he had spoiled everything for himself at the city. He claims that he wasn’t realizing any of his actions. It was two years when all this occured, everything was gone and Charlie himself was gone too. Charlie and his daughter Honoria were both happy to see each other after a long period of ten months. Charlie was welcomed at her sisters in laws place where her daughter stayed in the care of Marion. As the discussion between Charlie and lincon started, Charlie explained how he was doing well now and how things are now better than ever. His last years income was bigger than it was when he had money. He told Lincoln of his interest on bringing her sister fro America to keep the house for him. This explains how Charlie is starting to get life over again. Charlie is responsible now on his drinking habit. Earlier on he used to spend most of the time in bars where he wasted a lot of money. He remembered when giving thousand-franc notes to an orchestra and hundred-franc notes given to a door man for calling a taxi. He has changed to drink everyday which leads him to deny Marions cocktail offer. This astonishes Marion but she hopes that Charlie will stick to that character. In this paragraph we see that Charlie has become responsible enough compared to olden days when he used to squander a lot of money. Charlie is showing much love to her daughter that he is determined give her anything she wishes for that day. He offers to take her to vaudeville and later on to the toy store. Her daughter seems to understand the financial situation they were in and considers only going to the vaudeville. Charlie was strict in the past but now he reached for new tolerance because he has to be the mother and father of her daughter. Charlie indulges her daughter in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Why Do We Have to Die in Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why Do We Have to Die in Games - Essay Example We may pay an amount, or accept a game setback to come back from the jaws of death, to resume our place in the game. Likewise, at the end of the article too, she suggests that those who play video games and are attacked by laser-gun carrying space-men should realize that being riddled with bullets does imply a finality, and not merely that this eventuality could get them teleported to the local Starbucks for a cappuccino. We may draw the inference from this, that what Bevan suggests is that video-games should (perhaps) not use 'death' but some other means for eliminating players. In the course of discussing video games, Bevan also looks at how other media or means of entertainment/ games deal with the issue of eliminating players. For instance, in traditional 'games'. Team games have set rules and a time frame. According to these rules, players are eliminated so that within the given time a particular team is enabled to be declared 'winner'. This finite time frame copies real life. Though the elimination of players according to the rules of the game in no way resembles death. Also, in a game like a tennis, it is possible to lose a set, yet come back to win a match. Bevan also looks at how the theme of death is played out on stage or on the screen. Here, the audience goes through a process of identification with the protagonist. In the case of an action movie, quite often the 'hero' gets pummeled by the bad guys and is close to death before he suddenly gets energized enough to come back at them, to win the day. However, Bevan does not explicitly mention a vital difference in the roles of a person watching a play and a person playing a video game. In a play, the audience and the player are separate entities. The outcome cannot be affected by the audience. (In a reality show like 'Big Boss-as Bevan mentions-the audience can affect the outcome, but the connection between the vote of a single member of the audience and this outcome-Bevan doesn't mention this is tenuous.) In a video game, the player is both the audience and co-creator of the outcome. This is an important difference between a video game and a play/movie, which leads to different level s of psychological involvement in the game and its outcome, on the part of the player. To that extent, a video game becomes more true-to-life. Bevan mentions the three goals of playing video games-endogenous, exogenous and diegetic. Endogenous goals exist in all games-these are the goals sought to be achieved as per the rules of the game. (For instance, in chess, the endogenous goal of each player is to check-mate her opponent and avoid being checkmated). An exogenous goal comes from without. I may play a game to win money, or to humiliate my opponent and so on. The exogenous motive is not inherent in the game itself. Diegetic goals are those that a player seeks to achieve when he role-plays. When a game has several characters with their own defined personality, the player who assumes a role tries to achieve the goals as if he were actually the role he was playing. This involves subsuming my personality to take on the one as defined by a role, given in the game.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Victoria's International expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Victoria's International expansion - Essay Example Victoria’s secret was established in San Francisco during 1970s by Roy Raymond. The aim of the firm was to provide women brands and be the highest producer in US. They were to produce different types of women brands and which were new in the market. For any company to sustain its customer in the market it has to set goal and be able to compete with its rivals and to forecast on how the company will be doing in the upcoming years (Goldman, 1999). For example, being the largest American retailer of lingerie, Victoria’s secrets competes with other companies to be the world distributors of women shop including brands such as bras, panties, sleepwear, clothing and shoes among others. Victoria’s secrets like any other company receives stiff competition from a company know as Gap which normally provides the same products at a lower price. This paper aims at undertaking an Internal Analysis of Victoria's Secret foreign expansion like in China, designing products for spec ific markets, manufacturing and advertisement. Additionally, the paper will discuss manufacture of the products and advertisements of the products Victoria’s secrets, a firm operating under monopolistic economic model, are faced with stiff competition from foreign expansions. ... In addition, China has the second largest economy after US. As A result, households enjoy high income thus enhancing their purchasing power leading to increased sales for Victoria’s secrets. Product design for specific markets Victoria’s secrets aim at designing its brands in such a way that the needs of its specific markets are met. For example, in China market where lingerie are on high demand, Victoria’s secretes will involve Chinese marketers and designers so as to come with a brand that is acceptable in China market. The company increases its sales by producing attractive design that makes the female customers to have a feeling of red carpet treatment. Manufacturing and advertisement Victoria’s secrets manufactures high quality brands to be used in foreign expansion like in China and makes sure that advertisement is done effectively to make sure that the brands are acceptable in the market. Similarly, since by keeping its prices competitive than its r ival, Victoria’s secrets targets upper class and middle class customers, the lower class customers are in most cases forced to go to Gap which offers the same products at a throw away prices. Key competitors that have emerged in the foreign immerged includes Maxx, Marshall’s and Homegoods. TJ Maxx and Marshall’s are huge competitors since they provide lingerie at discount prices for the middle and lower class (Monget, 2011). This has made the market to be more competitive and each company has to look the way forward to outdo their rivals. The strategy which Victoria’s company adopts is the introduction of new styles in the market and ideas that kept their products easily identifiable by the customers. Additionally, the company designs are attractive in the eyes of the customers. In

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Behaviorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Behaviorism - Essay Example Principles of behaviorism should be part of every elementary classroom (Monchinski, 2008). Although not all activities or ideas are behaviorist in nature, it will help to incorporate behaviorism in some parts of the lesson. The reason behind this is that students in grade school are not yet mature and they need guidance in order to learn proper behavior and skills. Activating prior knowledge, providing models for activities, and giving rewards are some ways to incorporate behaviorism in the given lesson. Incorporating behaviorism into the lesson plan serves the teacher in three ways. First, by activating prior knowledge, the teacher will have the chance to check students’ understanding of the previous lesson. Likewise, by doing such, the students will feel the need to review past lessons, thus reinforcing good study habits among students. They will be inclined to think that past lessons should not be taken for granted; thus taking down notes, reviewing them, and even memorizi ng will help them get a better grade. Moreover, activating prior knowledge will make students see the link between the previous and the current lesson (Monchinski, 2008). Using principles of behaviorism, the teacher also provides model for learning a new skill. In the given lesson, students will be taught directly how to work on the thesis statement and subsections of the speech. This effort could guide students to perform the task appropriately and produce the expected output. Also, telling students what to do or what is expected to happen prior to performing the activity could lead them to write the best speech. The key is to condition learners to act as expected. Modeling and direct instruction also serve to promote positive behavior among students.

Research countering the student-teacher ratio effect Essay Example for Free

Research countering the student-teacher ratio effect Essay Graddy and Steven (2005) examines several studies of secondary school performances throughout the U. K. and concluded that there is little to no effect of the student-teacher ratio on the achievement of students. Borland, Howsen Trawick (2005) also found no noticeable connection between student achievement and either reduced or enlarged class sizes. The Congressional Budget Office presented results and analysis of 1986 SAT scores. Analysis revealed a relationship between student performance and student-teacher ratios. Lower student-teacher ratios were consistent with lower SAT scores (as cited in Hanushek, 2000). School size, which is another important consideration that also affects the student-teacher ratio, does not demonstrate an effect on student performance either, according to Lamdin (1995). There is also very little long-term effect of student-teacher ratio on student performance and lifelong achievement. Though Vignoles (1998) found a slight correlation between student-teacher ratio and student performance on O Levels exams in the United Kingdom, the observed effect was so small as to be insignificant. In fact he argues that true effect on student achievement is actually non-existent. This conclusion is based on the finding that the effect of a lower student-teacher ratio was not reflected in later years on the job market and in terms of earnings 17 years later. True achievement, he argues, is measured not by the standard of achievement tests, but by later success in life. He safely concludes therefore that there is no true effect of class size on student accomplishments. Schweitzer (1991) suggests that moves by institutions to decrease the pupil-teacher ratio are counterproductive and will only result in additional government spending with little effect on student performance. He believes that the old-fashioned method of â€Å"hard work on the part of the student, good teaching by the faculty, and strong motivation by both† (Schweitzer, 1991, p. 297) are the key ingredients to improved student achievement. Thus, as Gursky (1998) surmises, there is very little magic to class size or student-teacher ratio. Some researchers have proposed that the optimal size for any classroom is between 15 and 17 students. What the research is confirming is that there is presently very little in the way of consensus on the issue of whether or not reduced student-teacher ratios result in improved student performance. In the comprehensive review conducted by Hanushek (2000), 14% of the researches showed that there was a positive relationship between increased student-teacher ratio and a similar 14% found the opposite association. The remaining 72% found the relationship to be too insignificant to matter (p. 5). It is fallacious to suppose that all factors that may impact student performance can be isolated and controlled in order to discover a causal relationship between the variables of lower or higher student-teacher ratios and higher student performance. As researchers such as Hanushek (2000) and Preece (1987) would argue, there are a myriad of home-environmental and societal factors over which the state or school have very little control but which may impact student performance in either direction regardless of existing student-teacher ratios. Without a doubt the family background from which the students come plays a significant role in impacting achievement. Dustmann et al. (2003) proposes that the financial resources of the family, the quality time parents spend with children, the size of the family, a child’s birth order and the interest the parent shows in the child’s performance are important in analyzing factors that influence success in school. The socioeconomic context and location in which the child resides could also be a constraining factor. Preece (1987) adds that another factor, the heterogeneous nature of the classroom could be a significant key in understanding student achievement. He proposes that more homogeneous classrooms foster a better learning environment for students, regardless of class size or student-teacher ratios. Research has not proven either side of the debate but has demonstrated the possible merits of both. Educators seem determined, despite the lack of evidence to support the claim, to reduce the student-teacher ratios in an effort to impact student achievement. These educators are not completely misguided in their position however. It is a combination of factors too complicated to isolate that determines the how well each student achieves individually. Reduced class sizes have not proven to be harmful to any significant extent and thus existing policies to continue to reduce the student-teacher ratios cannot possibly do any notable amount of harm. ferences Alspaugh, J. W. (1994, Summer). The relationship between school size, student teacher ratio and school efficiency. Education, 114(4), 593-601. Borland, M. V., Howsen, R. M. Trawick, M. W. (2005, Mar). An investigation of the effect of class size on student academic achievement. Education Economics, 13(1), 73-83. Colorado Association of School Boards, Colorado Association of School Executives Colorado Education Association. (n. d. ). Believe in a better Colorado. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from http://www. believeinabettercolorado. org/images Dustmann, C. , Rajah, N. van Soest, A. (2003, Feb). Class size, education, and wages. Economic Journal, 113(485), F99-F149. Ehrenberg, R. G. , Brewer, D. J. , Gamoran, A. Willms, J. D. (2001, Nov). Does class size matter? Scientific American, 285(5), 78-85. Graddy, K. Stevens, M. (2005, Apr). The impact of school resources on student performance: A study of private schools in the United Kingdom. Industrial Labor Relations Review, 58(3), 435-451. Gursky, D. (1998, Oct). Class size does matter. Education Digest, 64(2), 15-18. Hanushek, E. A. (2000, Aug). Evidence, politics, and the class size debate. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from http://www. utdallas. edu/research/tsp/pdfpapers/paper19. PDF Lamdin, D. J. (1995, Apr). Testing for the effect of school size on student achievement within a school district. Education Economics, 3(1), 33-42. Morisi, T. L. (1994, Jul). Employment in public schools and the student-to-employee ratio. Monthly Labor Review, 117(7), 40-44. National Center for Education Statistics. (2001, Sep). Elementary and secondary school enrollment. Education Statistics Quarterly, 2(2). Retreived November 19, 2007 from, http://nces. ed. gov/programs/quarterly/Vol_2/2_2/q3-3. asp Preece, P. F. (1987, Jul/Aug). Class size and learning: A theoretical model. Journal of Educational Research, 80(6), 377-379. Sable J. Garofano, A. (2007, Jun). Public elementary and secondary school student enrollment, high school completions, and staff from the common core of data: School year 2005-06. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from, http://nces. ed. gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo. asp Schweitzer, T. T. (1991, Summer). Collective bargaining, teachers, and student achievement: Comment. Journal of Labor Research, 12(3), 297-298. Vignoles, A. (1998, May). Raising standards in our schools: Does class size really matter? Economic Outlook, 22(3), 18-23.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Project Closures Essay Example for Free

Project Closures Essay Everything with a beginning must have an end and a project is not quite complete until the closing stage is considered successful. (Sanghera, P.2009 p.223) Scenario one: Closing a project that has met its objective This scenario delights the project manager and his or her team as it is the ideal end to any project. It involves closing all activities related to the project both the within and without. Here the project manager (PM) meets with the stakeholders to gain their final approval of the project, ascertain that the deliverable meets the completion standards, conclude contract arrangements with vendors, transfer responsibility of project output to other people, release people and other resources, and document lessons learned. (Sunny Baker pp330-331). Scenario two: Closing a project that was terminated early In this scenario a project can be terminated for a number of reasons. From the discussion question we saw that a project can be adjudged to have failed, if it cannot meet up objective, expected to fail or are no longer in line with the objective of the company can be terminated. Bommer Pease, 1991further provided reasons like paucity of funding, technological obsolescence, changes in consumer trends, mergers and acquisitions loss of the champion and negative cost/benefit ratio. However whatever might have being the underlying cause of the termination of a project, it is still very important that the project is closed formally. In that regard, there is no difference between closing a project that has met its objectives and a project that was terminated early in its life. Both scenarios must undergo the close project process and the close procurement process. But the following differences can be observed: (1)In the first scenario there is a tangible project deliverable that can be transferred to other people, it may serve as inputs to another project. While in the second scenario there may be no tangible deliverable. (2) The emotional currents observed in both scenarios are quite different, in the first scenario the PM and everyone associated with the project are elated and feels fulfilled, leading to more latent energy for future projects and commitment to the organisation. In the second case, negative emotions may be generated which can be counterproductive to future projects and the organisation. This situation can arise when senior management arbitrarily cancels a project without carrying the team along. Administrative closure This is the process of formally bringing to an end all project activities. It relates to the closing process group and the integration management knowledge area. (Sanghera 2010 p377) The accepted project deliverable after its verification is compared with the project management plan and other closure guidelines and procedures before it is handed over to the customer. This action is necessary for both scenarios one and two. Contract closure This occurs when the terms of the contract have been reached or when there is a termination before the terms can be reached. The latter case usually involves compensation. In multi-phased projects contract closure can occur more than once while administrative closure occurs only once. The acceptance of the deliverable takes place during the administrative closure. Conclusion Administrative closure and contract closure both occur in closing a project that has met its objective and one that is terminated early. In the latter case care should be taken to carry the team members along in the process of project termination in order to boost their morale and productivity for future projects.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analytical Techniques for DNA Extraction

Analytical Techniques for DNA Extraction Development of DNA sensors for highly sensitive detection of sequence specific DNA has become crucial due to their extensive applications in clinical diagnosis, pathogen detection, gene expression studies, and environmental monitoring.ref Along with complementary base-pair hybridization between long oligonucleotide for DNA detection, several DNA sensors employ short oligonucleotide (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤10 base pair) to this goal. Ref Easley and co-workers constructed the electrochemical proximity assay (ECPA) for highly sensitive and highly selective quantitative detection of protein, where target-induced DNA hybridization between 5, 7, or 10 complementary base system brings redox tag close to the sensor surface resulting direct electrochemical readout. To date, numerous analytical techniques have been established for DNA detection, such as electrochemistry, fluorescence, surface plasmon resonance, chemiluminiscence, quartz crystal microbalance and so on. Ref Among these methods, electrochemical DNA (E-DNA) sensors have attracted much attention owing to their reliability, simplicity, rapid response, low cost and portability, low sample consumption, ability to work in complex-multicomponent samples and remarkably high sensitivity and selectivity.ref The basic principle of E-DNA sensor is based on immobilization of single stranded DNA probe, a selective biological recognition element, on a sensor surface followed by incubation with sample containing the target biomolecules. When a target-induced molecular recognition event (hybridization) takes place the sensor translates that to a measurable electrochemical signal which is directly correlated to the target concentration. In recent years, numerous research groups have studied the perf ormance of these sensors by investigating the effect of immobilized probe structure and probe surface density, nature of the redox reporter used, target length, ionic strength of buffer and modifying the frequency of the square-wave voltammetry employed. ref Nevertheless, distance dependence of the redox tag relative to the electrode surface to achieve maximum signal has never been explored. As solid-phase hybridization is very distinct from that in solution-phase in terms of kinetics and thermodynamics, ref sensor performance may be sensitive to the location of the redox reporter because surface charge would likely alter the hybridization rate of negatively charged DNA which, in turn, alters the signaling properties of E-DNA sensors. Especially for short oligonucleotide (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤10 base pair) hybridization near surface the effect may lead to very à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ due to their low binding energy which is not sufficient to overcomeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Here, we describe a detailed s tudy of the extent to which the location of the redox reporter can be varied to achieve maximum signal within shorter response time in effort to design efficient E-DNA sensors with improved sensitivity. Prior to this work, these electrochemical DNA (E-DNA) and electrochemical, aptamer based (E-AB) sensors have been reported against specific DNA and RNA sequences,2 proteins,3,4 small molecules,5-7 and inorganic ions.8,9 Because all of the sensing components in the E-DNA/EAB platform are covalently attached to the interrogating electrode, the approach requires neither exogenous reagents nor labeling of the target. Likewise, because their signaling is linked to specific, binding-induced changes in the dynamics of the probe DNA (rather than changes in adsorbed mass, charge, etc.), these sensors function well when challenged with complex, contaminant-ridden samples such as blood serum, soil extracts, and foodstuffs.5,7,9,10 These attributes render the E-DNA/E-AB platform an appealing approach for the specific detection of oligonucleotides and other targets that bind DNA or RNA.11-13 In the above methods, electrochemical biosensors are much popular because of their simple instrumentation setup, low sample and reagent consumption as well as high sensitivity and selectivity (Wenetal.,2012; Lu etal.,2012; Wenetal.,2011; Farjamietal.,2011; Xia etal.,2010; Xiang andLu, 2012; Pei etal.,2011; Farjamietal.,2013; Liu etal.,2013b). Electrochemical methods,1,11 being simple, portable and low-cost, are particularly attractive for DNA detection.12à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢16 Electrochemical methods have been used extensively in DNA detection assays, as summarized in recent review articles.15,16 Among these protocols, the electrochemical biosensors have attracted particular attention in different fields owing to its small dimensions, easy operation, rapid response, low cost, high sensitivity and selectivity [10,11]. Among these techniques, the electrochemical techniques have received great interests owing to its superior characteristics of rapid response, low-cost, small-size, simple operation, and good selectivity [13-16]. Among these approaches, electrochemical methods have been shown to be superior over the other existing measurement systems,11 because electrochemical transduction possesses a potential allowing the development of rapid, simple, low-cost, and portable devices.12-14 As an alternative to conventional techniques, electrochemical DNA biosensors have attracted considerable interest owing to their intrinsic advantages, including good portability, fast response, and remarkably high sensitivity (Sun etal.,2010). More importantly, a number of DNA biosensors have been developed and extensively applied for the determination of biomarkers (Huang etal.,2014). Microfabrication technology has enabled the development of electrochemical DNA biosensors with the capacity for sensitive and sequence-specific detection of nucleic acids.1-5 The ability of electrochemical sensors to directly identify nucleic acids in complex mixtures is a significant advantage over approaches such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that require target purification and amplification. Electrochemical DNA sensors are reliable, fast, simple, and cost- effective devices that convert the hybridization occurring on an electrode surface into an electrical signal by means of direct or indirect methods. the electrochemical DNA (E-DNA) sensor is one of them. This sensor platform, the electrochemical equivalent of optical molecular beacons, exhibits notable sensitivity, specificity and operational convenience whilst also being fully electronic, reusable and able to work in complex, contaminant-rich samples [4-6]. Compared with other transducers, electrochemical ones received particular interest due to a rapid detection and great sensitivity. Combining the characteristics of DNA probes with the capacity of direct and label-free electrochemical detection represents an attractive solution in many different fields of application, such as rapid monitoring of pollutant agents or metals in the environment, investigation and evaluation of DNA-drug interaction mechanisms, detection of DNA base damage in clinical diagnosis, or detection of specific DNA sequences in human, viral, and bacterial nucleic acids [2-8]. The determination using electrochemical biosensor methods has attracted much interest because of their simple instrumentation, high specificity, sensitivity, rapid, and is inexpensive with potential for applications in molecular sensing devices. Amongst the electrochemical transducers, carbon electrodes such as glassy carbon, carbon fibre, graphite, or carbon black exhibit several unique properties. Recent engineering advances have enabled the development of electrochemical DNA biosensors with molecular diagnostic capabilities (2, 8, 18, 33, 47). Electrochemical DNA biosensors offer several advantages compared to alternative molecular detection approaches, including the ability to analyze complex body fluids, high sensitivity, compatibility with microfabrication technology, a low power requirement, and compact instrumentation compatible with portable devices (18, 48). Electrochemical DNA sensors consist of a recognition layer containing oligonucleotide probes and an electrochemical signal transducer. A well-established electrochemical DNA sensor strategy involves sandwich hybridization of target nucleic acids by capture and detector probes (5, 7, 46, 50). First reported in 2003, electrochemical DNA (E-DNA) biosensors are reagentless, single-step sensors comprised of a redox-reporter-modified nucleic acid probe attached to an interrogating electrode.1 Originally used for the detection of DNA2à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢9 and RNA10 targets, the platform has since been expanded to the detection of a wide range of small molecules,11,12 inorganic ions,13,14 and proteins,12,15à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢17 including antibodies,18,19 via the introduction of aptamers and nucleic-acid-small molecule and nucleic-acid-peptide conjugates as recognition elements (reviewed in refs 20 and 21). Irrespective of their specific target, all of these sensors are predicated on a common mechanism: binding alters the efficiency with which the attached redox reporter approaches the electrode due to either the steric bulk of the target or the changes in the conformation of the probe.1,12,18 Given this mechanism, these sensors are quantitative, single-step (washfree), and selective enough to perform well even in complex clinical samples.12,15 They are likewise supported on micrometer- scale electrodes22 and require only inexpensive, handheld driving electronics (analogous to the home glucose meter23), suggesting they are well suited to applications at the point-of-care. Among these, the electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization appears promising due to its rapid response time, low cost, and suitability for mass production.11,12 The E-DNA sensor,13-16 which is the electrochemical equivalent of an optical molecular beacon,17-20 appears to be a particularly promising approach to oligonucleotide detection because it is rapid, reagentless, and operationally convenient.21,22 The E-DNA sensor is comprised of a redox-modified stemloop probe that is immobilized on the surface of a gold electrode via self-assembled monolayer chemistry. In the absence of a target, the stem-loop holds the redox moiety in proximity to the electrode, producing a large Faradic current. Upon target hybridization, the stem is broken and the redox moiety moves away from the electrode surface. This produces a readily measurable reduction in current that can be related to the presence and concentration of the target sequence. Both E-DNA sensors13-16 and related sensors based on th e binding-induced folding of DNA aptamers23-28 have been extensively studied in recent years. Nevertheless, key issues in their fabrication and use have not yet been explored in detail. Electrochemical biosensors, combining the sensitivity of electroanalytical methods with the inherent bio-selectivity of the biological component, have found extensive application in diverse fields because of their high sensitivity with relatively simple and low-cost measurement systems.1 For example, by assembling artful target-responsive DNA architectures on the electrode surface, a series of electrochemical bioanalysis methods have been proposed for the sensing of specific biomarkers, such as DNA and proteins.2-5 The typical sensing schemes of these designs involve the immobilization of an efficient probe on the electrode surface, incubation with target biomolecules, and measurement of the output electrochemical signal.6,7 A wide variety of nanomaterials including metal nanoparticles, oxide nanoparticles, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, graphene and even hybrid nanomaterials have found attractive application in electrochemical biosensing, such as detection of DNA, proteins and pathogens and the design of biological nanodevices (bacteria/cells).14,15 Electrochemical transducers offer broad opportunities in DNA sensor design due to simple experiment protocols, inexpensive and mostly commercially available equipment. Among various detection methods, the electrochemical approach attracted much attention due to its rapidness, low cost, high sensitivity and compatibility with portability [10,11]. The E-DNA sensor [12,13], an electrochemical method derived from the optical molecular beacon[14,15], is particularly promising because it is reagentlessness andoperation convenience. In brief, the E-DNA sensor is composed of a redox-modified hairpin-like stem-loop DNA probe that is immobilized on the electrode surface. Without a target, the stem-loop structure holds the redox probe close to the electrode surface, pro-ducing a large current. Upon hybridization with a target, the stem is opened and the redox label moves away from the electrode surface and the current is decreased. This current change is directly related to the target DNA concentration. Many different versions of the E-DNA sensor have been reported to date [7-9]. A popular construct of this type of sensors is a folding-based E-DNA sensor comprised of a redox-labeled DNA stem-loop probe covalently attached to a gold disk electrode. In the absence of a target, the stem-loop conformation holds the redox label in close proximity to the electrode, facilitating electron transfer. In the presence of and binding to a complementary DNA target, hybridization forces the redox tag farther from the electrode, impeding electron transfer and producing an observable reduction in redox current [4-6]. In this approach, a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) probe is immobilized on a surface and exposed to a sample containing the specific complementary target sequence, which is captured by forming a double-stranded DNA(dsDNA) molecule. This recognition event (hybridization) is then transduced into a readable signal. In this strategy, the target is anchored to the sensor surface by the capture probe and detected by hybridization with a detector probe linked to a reporter function. Detector probes coupled to oxidoreductase reporter enzymes allow amperometric detection of redox signals by the sensor electrodes (28, 34). When a fixed potential is applied between the working and reference electrodes, enzyme-catalyzed redox activity is detected as a measurable electrical current (11, 16, 27). The current amplitude is a direct reflection of the number of target-probe-reporter enzyme complexes anchored to the sensor surface. Because the initial step in the electrochemical detection strategy is nucleic acid hybridization rather than enzyme-based target amplification, electrochemical sensors are able to directly detect target nucleic acids in clinical specimens, an advantage over nucleic acid amplification techniques, such as PCR. Electrochemical methods are typically inexpensive and rapid methods that allow distinct analytes to be detected in a highly sensitive and selective manner [22-25]. Although electrochemical DNA sensors exploit a range of distinct chemistries, they all take advantage of the nanoscale interactions among the target present in solution, the recognition layer, and the solid electrode surface. This has led to the development of simple signal transducers for the electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization by using an inexpensive analyzer. DNA hybridization can be detected electrochemically by using various strategies that exploit the electrochemistry of the redox reaction of reporters [26] and enzymes immobilized onto an electrode surface [27], direct or catalytic oxidation of DNA bases [28-31], electrochemistry of nanoparticles [32-35], conducting polymers (CPs) [35-37], and quantum dots [38]. E-DNA sensors, the electrochemical analog of optical molecular beacons [e.g.,1-4], are based on the hybridization-induced folding of an electrode-bound, redox-tagged DNA probe. In their original implementation, the concentration of a target oligonucleotide is recorded when it hybridizes to a stem-loop DNA probe, leading to the formation of a rigid, double stranded duplex that sequesters the redox tag from the interrogating electrode [1]. Follow-on E-DNA architectures have dispensed with the stem-loop probe in favor of linear probes, leading to improved binding thermodynamics and, thus, improved gain [5], as well as strand-invasion, hairpin and pseudoknot probes producing signal-on sensors [6-8]. Because E-DNA sensors are reagentless, electronic (electrochemical) and highly selective (they perform well even when challenged directly in complex, multicomponent samples such as blood serum or soil) [e.g., 9], E-DNA sensors appear to be a promising and appealing approach for the sequence-s pecific detection of DNA and RNA [see, e.g., 10,11]. E-DNA signaling arises due to hybridization-linked changes in the rate, and thus efficiency, with which the redox moiety collides with the electrode and transfers electrons. To design efficient DNA-electrochemical biosensors, it is essential to know the structure and to understand the electrochemical characteristics of DNA molecules. Motivated by the potential advantages of the E-DNA sensing platform, numerous research groups have explored their fabrication and optimization over the past decade. Specifically, efforts have been made to improve the platforms signal gain (change in signal upon the addition of saturating target) by optimizing the frequency of the square-wave potential rampemployed,11 the density with which the target-recognizing probes packed onto the electrode,11,24 probe structure,25 the redox reporter employed,26 and the nature of the monolayer coating the electrode.25 Contributing to these studies, we describe here a more comprehensive study of the extent to which the square-wave voltammetric approach itself can be optimized to achieve maximum signal gain. Specifically, we have investigated the effect of varying the square-wave frequency, amplitude, and potential step-size on the gain of E-DNA sensors, evaluating each parameter as a function of the others as well as of the structure of the E-DNA probe, its packing density, the nature of its redox-reporter, and the monolayer chemistry used to coat the sensing electrode. E-DNA sensors are a reagentless, electrochemical oligonucleotide sensing platform based on a redox-tag modified, electrode-bound probe DNA. Because E-DNA signaling is linked to hybridization-linked changes in the dynamics of this probe, sensor performance is likely dependent on the nature of the self-assembled monolayer coating the electrode. We have investigated this question by characterizing the gain, specificity, response time and shelf-life of E-DNA sensors fabricated using a range of co-adsorbates, including both charged and neutral alkane thiols. The signaling mechanism of E-DNA sensors is linked to a bindingspecific change in the flexibility of the redox-tagged probe; upon hybridization, the relatively rigid target/probe duplex hampers the collision of the electrochemical tag thus decreasing the observable amperometric signal [5,12]. This, in turn, suggests that E-DNA signaling may be sensitive to changes in surface chemistry which, due to surface charge and steric bulk effects, would likely alter the dynamics of a negatively charged DNA probe. However, despite rapid growth in the E-DNA literature [reviewed in 13] the extent to which surface chemistry affects E-DNA signaling has not been established; all previous E-DNA sensors were fabricated using hydroxyl-terminated alkane thiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) [e.g.,1,3,5,7,9]. Here we address this question and describe a study of E-DNA sensors fabricated using co-adsorbates of various lengths and charges in an effort to further optimize E-DNA performance. For example, while it is likely that the signaling properties of these sensors depend sensitively on the density of immobilized probe DNA molecules on the sensor surface (measured in molecules of probe per square centimeter) [see, e.g., refs 5 and 29-36], no systematic study of this effect has been reported. Similarly, while it appears that the size of the target and the location of the recognition element within the target sequence affect signal suppression,24 this effect, too, has seen relatively little study. Here we detail the effects of probe surface density, target length, and other aspects of molecular crowding on the signaling properties, specificity, and response time of the E-DNA sensor. However, the sensitivity is one of the most important limiting factors for the development of electrochemical DNA biosensors.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Identity on the Internet :: Technology Computers

Identity on the Internet Before the internet, there was only the computer, large ones that take up a whole room. The computer then was seen only as a tool, and then a few years later there was the personal computer which made it more accessible and more interactive. The PC was a kind of evolutionary step which enabled us to have wider relationships. But these relationships did not appear yet until PCs started to become interconnected. This is where internet comes in. At first it was only a military tool, used by the States to connect their military branches and easily share their data. That was until someone saw the commercial value and the great potential of the net. In the article of Sherry Turkle, she described a new world where we have started to populate over the years with several mirrors of ourselves. The cyberspace is exactly that strange new world people have inhabited with the help of technology like the personal computer. With our lives now inside the screen and our personal selves cannot be determined by the other end then the internet, we gain the ability to recreate ourselves virt ually in the new world. We now have the ability to create characters will may or may not reflect our own identity. With MUD or multi user domains the characters we play can even have emotions that can be conveyed to a large number of other players residing in the cyber world. Through the interactions we have with players around the world, our real life personas, Turkle pointed out, go to â€Å"sleep† and our characters materialize inside the virtual domain. Players often border between real life (RL), a term coined by several MUD enthusiast and their cyber worlds and as a result there are several analogies that will work for this topic. Let’s take Play by Email (PBeM) as an example; this will be discussed further later on. The author is the player in cyber world and the interaction in the game is in the form of writing and the computer is the converter of simple words into the character’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Anonymity is a window to a new character. The internet also gives a person a chance to explore his other desires. He may be a man in RL but plays a woman in the game. She maybe a lawyer but plays a bartender.

Peyote and Native American Culture Essay example -- Botany Biology Res

Peyote and Native American Culture Peyote was originally described in 1560, however it was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that botanists were able to conduct field research and correctly classify the cactus (Anderson, 1980). Field studies have concluded that there are two distinct populations of peyote which represent two species. The first and most common, Lophophora williamsii extends from southern Texas reaching south to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. The second and least common of the two species is Lophophora difusa, which occurs in the dryer terrain of the Mexican state of Queretaro. This species differs from the more common species by, "being yellowish-green rather than blue green in color, by lacking any type of ribs or furrows, by having poorly developed podaria (elevated humps), and by being a softer, more succulent plant" (Anderson 1980). Native Americans use peyote in their religious practices because of its psychoactive properties, and is usually eaten as mescal buttons, the dried, brown pieces of the above part of the cactus (Lewis, 1977). The peyote religion is ancient in its origin and spread from Mexico, North in the mid 1800's at a time when Native Americans were desperately in need of spiritual strength and enlightenment, Native Americans were confined to reservations which were overseen by military authority, while many of their ritualistic practices and traditions were deemed as illegal. Origin stories regarding the practice of peyote ritual vary, however all encompass a common theme, namely that the 'Supernatural' took pity on those persecuted and communicated spiritually to the Native Americans through the journey experienced while under the chemical effects of peyote (Steltenka... ...s as an escape from the world the white man created. The impact this plant has had on civilization is that it is only way out for some, it is their vehicle of escape to drive them out of the material world and down the peyote road. Bibliography Anderson, E. 1980. Peyote, The Divine Cactus. Arizona: University of Arizona Press. Boyer, B., Boyer, R., & Basehart, H. 1973. Hallucinogens and Shamanism M. Hamer, Ed.. England: Oxford University Press. Csordas, T., Kiyaani, M. 1997, March. On the Peyote Road. Natural History, 106,48. Lewis, W. 1977, Medical Botany. New York: Wiley. Steltenkamp, M. 1982. The Sacred Vision. New Jersey: Paulist Press. Stewart, 0. 1987. Peyote Religion. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. Swan, D. 1998. Early Osage Peyotism. Plains Anthropologist, 43(163), 51-71. Unknown, The Peyote Religion. Peyote and Native American Culture Essay example -- Botany Biology Res Peyote and Native American Culture Peyote was originally described in 1560, however it was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that botanists were able to conduct field research and correctly classify the cactus (Anderson, 1980). Field studies have concluded that there are two distinct populations of peyote which represent two species. The first and most common, Lophophora williamsii extends from southern Texas reaching south to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. The second and least common of the two species is Lophophora difusa, which occurs in the dryer terrain of the Mexican state of Queretaro. This species differs from the more common species by, "being yellowish-green rather than blue green in color, by lacking any type of ribs or furrows, by having poorly developed podaria (elevated humps), and by being a softer, more succulent plant" (Anderson 1980). Native Americans use peyote in their religious practices because of its psychoactive properties, and is usually eaten as mescal buttons, the dried, brown pieces of the above part of the cactus (Lewis, 1977). The peyote religion is ancient in its origin and spread from Mexico, North in the mid 1800's at a time when Native Americans were desperately in need of spiritual strength and enlightenment, Native Americans were confined to reservations which were overseen by military authority, while many of their ritualistic practices and traditions were deemed as illegal. Origin stories regarding the practice of peyote ritual vary, however all encompass a common theme, namely that the 'Supernatural' took pity on those persecuted and communicated spiritually to the Native Americans through the journey experienced while under the chemical effects of peyote (Steltenka... ...s as an escape from the world the white man created. The impact this plant has had on civilization is that it is only way out for some, it is their vehicle of escape to drive them out of the material world and down the peyote road. Bibliography Anderson, E. 1980. Peyote, The Divine Cactus. Arizona: University of Arizona Press. Boyer, B., Boyer, R., & Basehart, H. 1973. Hallucinogens and Shamanism M. Hamer, Ed.. England: Oxford University Press. Csordas, T., Kiyaani, M. 1997, March. On the Peyote Road. Natural History, 106,48. Lewis, W. 1977, Medical Botany. New York: Wiley. Steltenkamp, M. 1982. The Sacred Vision. New Jersey: Paulist Press. Stewart, 0. 1987. Peyote Religion. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. Swan, D. 1998. Early Osage Peyotism. Plains Anthropologist, 43(163), 51-71. Unknown, The Peyote Religion.

Friday, July 19, 2019

cathedrals :: essays papers

cathedrals Throughout the centuries, beautiful Medieval cathedrals have been towering above every building and till this day, still survive with their astonishing appearance. Their structure resemble the power and glory of heavens. Today, they are known as "prayers in stone" because they are respected as holy places. Taking literally hundreds of years to build these great Gothic buildings, the skillful carpenters and masons responsible for the construction are respected for constructing these powerful buildings that tell us about the past (Macdonald 1). The construction of the cathedrals were more than hundreds of years (Macdonald 14). The overall shape of appearance was planned out before any construction was started. The contractors were usually peasants of the low class. Cathedrals were built on old church sites throughout Europe and the world to spread the religion of Christianity. There were many architectural styles for the churches. Carpenters used long lasting materials such as stone and strong wood. Some of the best stone came from France. Cranes and pulleys powered by men and animals were used to haul these stones, especially in the dangerous job of quarrying. The appearance of the cathedrals were magnificent. As one of the largest buildings of its time period, they represented the heavens in which people believed was peaceful and serene. Walls and pillars were massive structures enclosing hundreds of yards. Stone arches and gargoyles were put in various places for decoration. The elevating towers on top of the cathedrals were called "fingers" pointing to heaven. Inside these enormous "fingers," immense bells and clocks were placed. Stained-glass windows on the sides describe the lord, Jesus, and his life. The ever going ceilings and their paintings represent heaven. Statues symbolized sacred priests of the church (Macdonald Intro.). The purpose of these cathedrals were to praise and thank God. People offer prayers and offerings to God at the great cathedrals thinking it would bring a prosperous and healthy life. In the Middle Ages, these "prayers in stone" were made to spread Christianity throughout the world. Being the Bishop’s church, the greatest centers of studies were inside the depths of the cathedrals. The pope answered the most theorized questions about Christianity. Cathedrals and the people inside implored that God is the most important part of a person’s life and should be thanked for everything.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

India as a Land of Infinite Variety Essay

â€Å"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked. India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition.† Mark Twain, the writer of this quotation, was obviously impressed by the subcontinent. Travel agents say it’s nearly impossible not to be impressed, astonished and amazed by India—all within the first hour off the plane—for this nation is blessed with sacred sites and ancient ruins, each with a mesmerizing story to tell, creating a treasure-filled world of travel opportunities. Towering Mountains, Vast Deserts and Lush Rainforests Nestled between Pakistan, China and Nepal, India is bordered in the north by the world’s highest mountain chain, while further south, tropical rain forests mingle with windswept deserts. To complete the geographic smorgasbord, palm-fringed beaches trim the peninsula like ribbon on a huge Christmas gift. The only thing missing is a glacier, but no one seems to mind. Visitors and locals alike do not complain about India’s astonishing cultural diversity either, for the nation boasts an inspired, imaginative burst of religions and cultures, races and tongues, resulting from 5,000 years of history. India’s long, historical significance and great natural wealth have lured a long succession of foreign influences, traders and craftsmen, each having left their distinctive imprint on the country. Whether you come to rejuvenate spiritually, relax on the countless beaches or live like a queen in the land of princes, India’s amazing diversity offers everything you could ever want in a holiday. With so much to choose from, it’s wise to enlist the aid of a trusted travel agent. Paragons of advice, travel agents suggest that, because of India’s size and diversity, it’s best to focus your journey around a particular tour or theme. This allows you to experience in depth one tantalizing aspect of the country while still enjoying the variety that makes India a top travel destination. The Golden Triangle: New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur Of India’s many tours, the Golden Triangle is one of the most popular, for the three cities that form the triangle—New Delhi, Agra and Jaipur—feature the images that epitomize India. Inside this triangle you’ll see a panorama of majestic architectural creations that feed the area’s rich traditions, like the symphony of marble that is the Taj Mahal (arguably the world’s most perfect structure), the imperial elegance of New Delhi and the desert city of Jaipur. | Taj Mahal| Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, one of the largest of India’s 28 states and host to the exotic Desert Adventure tour. Rajasthan is known as the Land of Kings, where sumptuous palaces dot the desert landscape and battle-scarred fortresses stand tall atop hills like sentinels. You’ll begin your adventure at Jodhpur, an ancient stronghold on the edge of the Thar Desert, before traveling along trade routes to the unforgettable golden fortress at Jaisalmer and beyond. Beyond India’s present-day heritage is a past steeped in spiritual lore, enlightening travelers who tour the Buddhist Circuit. Walk in the footsteps of Siddhartha Gautama—the gentle sage who became the Buddha—and sit beneath the Holy Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya, under which he gained enlightenment in 528 BC. Visit Sarnath, where the Buddha gave the world his first sermon, and Kushinagar, the site of his death. This tour is a spiritual journey that will stay with you for a lifetime. ‘Th e Land of Coconuts’ Another Indian journey that will surely stick with you for a lifetime is a cruise through the Backwaters of Kerala. Kerala, on the southwestern tip of the peninsula, is called the land of coconuts, where palm trees shade nearly the entire state from the tropical sun. All along its coast, exotic backwaters, canals, lagoons and inlets create an intricate maze stretching nearly 1,200 miles throughout the land. Traveling by boat along the emerald-tinted backwaters is a magical experience. Any trip you make to incredible India will be a magical experience, especially if you book your journey through your friendly, neighborhood travel agent. Travel agents can combine any of the above tours or extend them to include exciting nights in bustling cities like Calcutta, New Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay). They can send you along other fabulous tours of India, to the Temple Trail of the south, across the Seven Sisters of the northeast or through the jungles that inspired Kipling in the Heart of Heritage. Always warm and inviting, India is a land of timeless beauty with 5,000 years of life under its ornate belt.Contact a trusted travel agent today and start exploring the infinite variety of this magical land.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

HSC 3045: Promote positive behaviour. Essay

In order to push positive behaviour a share setting or organisation should descend legislation made by brass such as the Human Rights present 1998, codes of practise and relevant policies set stunned by the trust or service. It is key to read and understand theses legislations and policies and accordingly practice them to working practise. We receive mandatory development that reinforces the trusts policies and keeps us communicate of any changes to be aware of. Best practise tells us that if we keep good notes and share learning with colleagues justly then we go out be able to help and support patients correctly and encourage positive behaviour.Read more(prenominal)Essay on Promote overconfident Behaviour1.2Restrictive discussions are shipway and methods that prevent an individual from carrying out a certain task.1.3Restrictive interventions must exclusively be apply if the individual is at risk of injuring themselves or others, or if get across damage to proper ty or nefarious behavior.1.4If an incident occurred where regulative intervention was requisite then the clinic manager or older nurse must be informed immediately. An incident form will be filled in and sent to humanity resources and the incident team within the trust.1.5Where possible the least restrictive interventions should be used as they can sometimes step forward the problem rather than defuse it. development the least possible restrictive intervention will prevent further wrong to any individual involved and will avoid the intervention being deemed as abuse.1.6In order to safeguard both(prenominal) the staff member and individual during a restrictive physical interventions, they must only(prenominal) be carried out by a trained member of staff. It must be reasoned that all other measures go through been attempted and failed before carrying out restrictive intervention. If at anytime during the intervention it becomes apparent that the mortal involved or staff member is at an increased risk then it must stop immediately. If a someone becomes harmed during the intervention then a judgeship of law may rule it as abuse.